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Markets and Uncertain Times

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First, I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe and well. With the terrible state of affairs in the Ukraine, it’s personally been a reminder of how blessed I am to do what I love with people I truly care about and to have the freedom to do so! War is unpredictable. […]

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Here’s what I’ve been reading this past week or so. Eighteen Year Breakups Are Never Easy Seeing images of my friends taking their children to college on social media the past couple of weeks has tugged at my heart strings. These are children who I watched learn how to bike, then to drive. How did […]

Here’s what I’ve been reading this past week or so. Couples Are Happier When They Talk About Money Some uncomfortable facts: 74% of women die single, and 90% of women will manage their own money in their lifetime, whether they want to or not. Many married or partnered women don’t realize that the statistics overwhelmingly say that someday […]

Here’s what I’ve been reading this past week or so. This week’s list is shorter than usual because I’m in the Midwest visiting family eating way too much Chinese food and being spoiled by my mom. Do You Need a Financial Planner? This Kiplinger’s article gives you 5 reasons for and against hiring a financial […]

Here’s what I’ve been reading this past week or so: 7 Steps to Financial Freedom Financial Freedom. This tends to be the number one goal for most of my clients. The freedom to chose when and how they want to retire. The freedom to chose to downshift their career or to take a risk and go for their […]

Here’s what I’ve enjoyed reading this past week or so: Biden’s Tax Plan’s Potential Impact on your IRA Are you concerned about increasing tax rates? Read this article about Roth conversions and if they might be the right strategy for you. Ed Slott, a leading expert in the land of IRAs and corny jokes, and […]

My Freezer in December 2006 Frozen pizzas, carton of Haagen-Dazs, lots of breast milk (yes, mine, thank you very much), and our 6 month-old son’s lovies creatively named Duckie and Cow… Bet you didn’t know that below-freezing temperatures kill dust mites! Unfortunately, below-freezing temperatures do not kill COVID-19. While at war with dust mites and other suspected allergens, […]