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Markets and Uncertain Times

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First, I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe and well. With the terrible state of affairs in the Ukraine, it’s personally been a reminder of how blessed I am to do what I love with people I truly care about and to have the freedom to do so! War is unpredictable. […]

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When can I finally escape the shackles of the daily grind that drains my soul? 🤣🤣🤣 A little dramatic, maybe. But when you yearn for retirement, aren’t you essentially wanting to do more of what you love and less of what you hate? In this week’s What I’ve Been Reading, is a post that celebrates […]

Wealth means different things to different people. For some, it’s all about luxury—fancy trips, designer clothes, and homes on the beach or in the mountains. For others, it’s being able to provide for their family, send their kids to college, and retire comfortably. As we age, our idea of wealth changes too. We go from […]

Two summers ago, I realized that I had five more summers with my oldest son, eight more summers with my youngest, before each headed off to college. As the clock was ticking, I entered a DEFCON level 1 desperation to spend more quality time with my boys. I wanted them to realize that I was […]

Why are there no women in upper management? Cue awkward, long silence. My 45-year-old male manager, Joe, was stunned by my blunt question during one of my first performance reviews. Hmm…probably not the best way to approach the gender equality issue at a storied financial institution at the age of 22 in my first real-world […]

Do you ever wonder how a financial advisor adds value to their clients’ lives? Investments, cash flow analysis, wah wah wah… The words start sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher. So, let’s try another way to think about it. Last year, my family and I went through a major home remodel. During that time, I thought […]

Are you planning for the financial security of FUTURE YOU? We, as women, have longer life expectancies. It may seem unthinkable, but odds are 1 in 3 women in the U.S. will live to age 95. The best time for women to start financial planning and investing for their future selves is now. Like most […]