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Markets and Uncertain Times

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First, I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe and well. With the terrible state of affairs in the Ukraine, it’s personally been a reminder of how blessed I am to do what I love with people I truly care about and to have the freedom to do so! War is unpredictable. […]

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Namaste Invested: Look to Yoga to Build Your Wealth I’m always looking for more interesting and engaging ways to discuss personal finance topics. This article was creative and had some good tips. I Just Received My Open Enrollment Benefits Booklet. Am I Actually Supposed to Read This Thing? If you are like most people, you […]

Believing in Yourself Is the First Step to Achieve Anything A good reminder that self-belief gives us the freedom to try new things, bet on ourselves, and create resilience for life’s challenges. It’s also a nicer mind space to live in. There’s Another Gender Pay Gap: Stock Options Here’s a financial situation when what you […]

The Power of Health Savings Accounts for Retirement Planning Health Savings Accounts aka HSAs are one of the most valuable retirement savings tools out there for higher income earners. Using an HSA correctly allows you to lower your taxable income, grow the asset tax free, and withdraw the money tax free. Triple tax benefit!! It […]

How to Prepare Your Finances Before Quitting Your Job With preparation, anything is possible. Confessions of an Overnight Millionaire You may have heard that IPO (“Initial Public Offering”) mania is nutso (technical term) this year. This honest article about becoming an “overnight millionaire” is very timely. Not everyone involved working for a company that has […]

Here’s what I’ve been reading this past week or so. Eighteen Year Breakups Are Never Easy Seeing images of my friends taking their children to college on social media the past couple of weeks has tugged at my heart strings. These are children who I watched learn how to bike, then to drive. How did […]

The Majesty of Simplicity The financial industry is paid to make things complicated. My job is to help keep things simple while always remembering that simple does not equal easy. Why I Might Never Pay Off My Mortgage Should I pay off my mortgage? This article highlights how we don’t live in a spreadsheet and […]