Ready to rewrite your fitness story after age 45? Join Betty as she sits down with powerhouse trainer Karen “Kmax” Maxwell, whose own transformation from fitness novice to NASM-certified guru and founder of Kinisi Performance will inspire you to lace up those sneakers. In this episode of “Betty’s Smart Friends,” Kmax discusses age-related fitness myths and shares insider secrets that prove it’s never too late to begin your wellness journey.
Listen into a conversation that could change the way you think about fitness forever!
Listen in to learn more from Kmax!
[05:59] Mind-Body Connection in Fitness
[15:55] Cardio vs. Strength Training
[19:22] Meditation and Relaxation Techniques
[27:37] Personal Fitness Preferences
[32:11]Caffeine Alternatives
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell
Betty Wang 00:00:06 Hello everyone! Welcome to the My Smart Friends podcast. I’m your host, Betty Wang. Today I’m thrilled to introduce to you our guest, Karen Maxwell. Also known as Chemex. I’m such a huge fangirl that I wrote a blog post about her a few years ago. In today’s episode, we’ll be discussing Karen’s journey into the fitness industry, her approach to maintaining a positive mindset, and her tips for women over 45 who are starting their fitness journey or looking to level up. We’ll also dive into her personal life, including how she balances being a working mom and a fitness entrepreneur. Karen is a Nasm certified personal trainer, the creator of Easy Performance, and a certified instructor in the Luxury Method and Versa Climber. She’s also an extraordinary, amazing cycling instructor who kicks my ass at least twice a week with great music and even better energy. On top of all that, she’s a mom to one human, one dog, and a cat named pickles. She’s a true badass boss. So please welcome Karen Maxwell.
Betty Wang 00:01:10 Also known as CarMax, to the show. Thank you. CarMax. Hi.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:01:14 Yes. Hi, Betty. Thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here.
Betty Wang 00:01:17 Okay. I need to know. When did CarMax start? Was this something that was when you were little. And that’s what you’ve been called forever. I can’t call you Karen. Or was it something that was created when you started in the fitness industry?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:01:32 It started early on, I think around sixth grade in sports. Right. Everybody loves a good sports nickname. And I was playing a lot of softball. And my coach just immediately, like, started calling me CarMax. You know, short for Karen Maxwell. So that stuck throughout sports. I would say like pretty much through high school and then college. I did not bring it with me. So anybody who went to college with me. First of all, I don’t talk to those assholes anyways, but they wouldn’t know me as that. And then after college, again, it didn’t like there were a few people that would like pop in and call me that, but really, it came back again when I met my husband and he didn’t know.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:02:15 He didn’t know about it, but he just immediately started calling me CarMax. And I was like, that’s so funny. Because like, I used to be called CarMax all through growing up. And he like brought it back to life, resurrected it, and it stuck for the last, I don’t know how long have I known him. 16 years or something. So yeah, we’ve been we’ve been back at CarMax. And the funny thing is, is that like a lot of people in LA know me as CarMax. And when I did start teaching the fitness industry, that’s how I was known. And then I went to another company and I did their training. I was like, yeah, you can put me on the schedule as CarMax. And they’re like, no, we don’t do nicknames.
Betty Wang 00:02:54 Oh.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:02:55 And I was like, okay, well, I was like, but everybody knows me. And like, that’s kind of my following. And, you know, I was like, I don’t care either way.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:03:01 But like, that’s my nickname. So for like two and a half years, this company like refused to like, acknowledge my identity essentially.
Betty Wang 00:03:12 Terrible, terrible. Well, I wasn’t sure if it was sort of like a Sasha Fierce Beyonce thing where this is like your alter ego that shows up for classes.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:03:21 No, I mean, how you see me in class is pretty much how I live my life.
Betty Wang 00:03:27 What does your mom call you?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:03:29 It’s funny, she calls me Karen, but sometimes she will call me CarMax because she. Everybody here calls me CarMax. And so if I like don’t answer her. Sometimes she’ll yell out CarMax. And I think it’s we all laugh. It’s really funny because it just doesn’t sound natural coming from her, from the woman who birthed me and named me from your mom.
Betty Wang 00:03:49 Yeah. What sparked this interest in the fitness industry? How did you start? Because you do have a big following.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:03:55 Yeah, I just I’ve always loved fitness, like being an athlete. I played sports even through college, and I think working out and just being active has always been a part of my life since, since very young and grouped.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:04:10 Fitness was never really on my radar until, like a friend took me to group fitness in LA and was like, you know, we were all gym rats. So we would just, you know, do our own thing in the gym. And I started going to these spin classes and I was like, God, this is really fun. Like, I love the music aspect. I love the energy. Like the workout is really good. So I just started as a participant. And then, you know, one thing leads to another and somebody’s like, oh, you should start teaching. And you’re like, well, maybe, you know? And then all of a sudden they’re like, you should get a certification. You’re like, oh, I’m getting a certified now. Oh, now I’m teaching. It was just like, you know, one of those little side hustles living in LA. Everybody has like, you know, 10,000 side hustles. So it was one of those little things that started out as like, yeah, I teach like a couple classes a week in addition to doing all these other things.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:04:57 And then it just started like snowballing and catching on, and then I just really enjoyed it. I was like, this is fun. I get to interact with people. I get to help people on their fitness journey. I get to be a part of, you know, making somebody feel better that day, even if it’s that’s the only part of their day that they feel good about themselves. And like, I get to be a part of that journey. So it just it felt a lot better than being rejected from like every other audition that you go to in LA and you’re like, wow, I feel really shitty about myself. Maybe I can help other people.
Betty Wang 00:05:29 Well, I mean, that is one of the things that I’ve gone to a lot of group fitness classes and yours are definitely different, right? It’s super positive, but I do feel like I get my ass kicked, but I always feel better when I leave. And I don’t know if it’s if you’ve always had that special mix of the emotional and the mental part of wellness plus the physicality of it.
Betty Wang 00:05:55 Is that something you’ve always thought about, or is that something that you’ve developed over time?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:05:59 I think it definitely developed over time, but it’s always kind of lived inside me. But it continues to to evolve. I just I’m just so big on like the mind body connection. You know, our our truly, our body will do whatever our mind tells it to do. So if our head is in a negative space, then like our body is going to be in a negative space. You know, it’s as simple as if you say, you know, I’m so tired today, rather than I can’t wait to take a nap later. Right. Which is like the difference of a mindset.
Betty Wang 00:06:30 Yeah. That’s more me. Yes.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:06:34 Right. But that’s the difference of a mindset. Whereas like, if you just say, I’m so tired right now, then all you’re going to think about is being tired. But if you’re like, I can’t wait to take a nap later, then it’s going to give you an event to look forward to.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:06:45 So I’ve always thought that that was interesting. Just like perspective and words and like the way that our body reacts to words, I’m like, there’s got to be a space where, like, all of this can come together. And I think that teaching alongside music, that’s why a lot of people, you know, where their headphones, when they work out, they listen to music. If you listen to a podcast while you’re working out, it’s really not fun.
Betty Wang 00:07:05 Yeah. It’s different. Yeah.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:07:07 It’s it’s, you know, like, sure, go on a walk and listen to a podcast. But like, if you’re really, you know, getting your heart rate up, the music is going to tap into that like emotional side that also is going to help your brain say to your body like, this feels good, this is energizing, or or this is nostalgic or this is gonna, this is really intense, like whatever the feeling is. So I’ve always that’s why I’ve always been gravitating towards like cycling, which is musically driven, also teaching some other things.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:07:36 But but yeah, I definitely think it’s like evolved over time. But I, I’m just a firm believer that like if our mind is healthy, then like everything else is going to be okay too.
Betty Wang 00:07:47 So you have these certifications. Do you also have a certification in coaching? Because it does seem like even when in our group classes that you are coaching us on how to be more mentally resilient, more open to new experiences and self-compassion, which is, I think, lovely, and I need it, right? I need it, and I would feel like I’m not the only person. But I’m curious from your perspective, how did you bring that all in? I mean, do you have a accreditation? Or again, is that just something that was from your own personal journey that’s kind of seeped into your classes?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:08:24 Yeah. You know, just being like sort of a, you know, fucked up human really helps.
Betty Wang 00:08:31 Lots to work through. Yes, and lots to work through.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:08:35 We treat classes as a as our therapy session.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:08:38 I don’t have any sort of like coaching certifications for for that. However, it’s on my list of things to do along with some like, you know, breathwork coaching courses. I’m sort of in this phase right now, 45 and I’m like, you know, quit my corporate job and I’m just focusing like on fitness. Yeah, it’s the best feeling ever. And I just really want to learn all the things. So that’s on my, my list. I think that the coaching kind of comes naturally to me. But I would love to refine. I would love to hone in on it. Truly. Like every class I teach, you know, I think about like, what do I need to hear today as like a 45 year old female who some days I feel confident. Some days I’m like, what am I doing with my life? Some days I’m like, I’m gonna kill my mom because she lives with me. And I just. I’m like, I’m just gonna like, zero in on, like, something that, like, maybe like I’m feeling.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:09:33 And then I’m just going to throw it out there and maybe somebody else will resonate with it and maybe not. But I really try to approach my coaching sessions with group fitness from a very authentic place and it’s like, okay, what’s happening in the world? What am I going through? Am I reading something or am I seeing something? And some days it can be really light and fun, and some days it’s a little bit more like, oh, I’m going to really empower myself today or empower those in my class.
Betty Wang 00:09:59 It’s interesting just because it’s true. I feel like I’ve been going to your class pretty consistently over the last few years, and I don’t feel like I’ve taken the same class twice. I feel like it is you are authentic when you come into the room, and it did seem like you can’t plan the what comes up from your mouth, which is a good thing, right? I think it’s nice because you’re real with us and it’s not overly I don’t enjoy overly peppy, overly cheesy, overly like, not that I don’t feel good and empowered when I leave.
Betty Wang 00:10:32 It’s just coming from a different, maybe more empowering place than compliments that don’t feel like maybe false. They may maybe feel a feel a little false or something.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:10:44 Yeah. And thank you.
Betty Wang 00:10:47 Anyway. So for those women who maybe had kids in their career and they took a break from working out. Do you have advice for them to start back up?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:10:58 Yeah, I think find a friend that would be like find a friend and like go to some sort of class together. Like, whatever it is, it can be. It could be anything from, like, water aerobics, like, truly to, you know, a Pilates class to cycling, like, whatever it is, whatever sort of interests you. I would say like find a friend because sometimes it is hard to just start something new alone, especially the older we get. We’re like, you know, you walk in, look, the older we get. We’re so judgmental, right? We just walk or we just judge everything. We just walk into a room or like, everyone in here is 25 and everyone has a perfect but why am I in here? And if you have a friend with you that will totally disarm that feeling of walking into a new space.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:11:41 So I’m a big fan of like, grab a friend that way afterwards, you guys can, like, laugh about what you just did together, grab a coffee afterwards and think about like how great you feel to and then remind each other of like how good you felt after that workout and and maybe say like, okay, what are we doing next? Or is this, is this something we want to join? I really believe that having somebody there for accountability is helpful if you have goals, if it’s like whether it’s just a weight loss goal or a build more muscle mass goal, like whatever it is, write down what you’re looking for and then for yourself, and then you’re going to have to find what’s going to help you achieve that certain goal. Because if you’re like, I just want to feel more fit, then great, but that’s just not specific enough, right? What does that mean to you? I think having specific goals, if you’re like, I want to lose body fat is a specific goal.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:12:32 Most people don’t say, I want to lose muscle mass, right? Like most people, it’s like, but people will say, I want to lose weight. and you’re like, that’s actually not specific enough. Like, losing weight means like your total body. We actually we don’t want to lose muscle mass. So you want to lose body fat, but you also want to maintain possibly tone up lean muscle mass. So what should we do with like. What kind of workout does that look like? And of course, you know, we have Google. We have all those things that you can just pop in, you know what you’re looking for. I’m 45 years old. I want a workout that’s going to help me lose weight and build muscle mass and like, Google it and see what comes up. Of course, I have like a million recommendations. The thing is, is that there’s just not one. Like it’s not a one stop thing, right? It’s not like I’m going to join this one place and it’s going to like actually, I mean, potentially like a gym or something, if they’re group fitness classes are amazing.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:13:25 And you’re also really great about, you know, working out on your own and you get smoothies from there or whatever. You know, you could there could be a one stop shop, but really you’re going to have to like piece together. So I think it’s just being mindful about your goals, like being very specific, grabbing a friend and also just knowing that everybody’s a beginner at some time at anything, like walking into any class. And if that class doesn’t make you feel like safe or confident, then it’s not the right class for you. And shame on that instructor for doing that.
Betty Wang 00:14:00 Yeah, no, I even though my first class with you, I felt like a spaz. And then I felt like I. It was very happy to be in my corner spot. Actually, I found her class through Groupon. That’s that’s how I started. I was doing Groupon, and then I got hooked on you. I know it’s not one shop, one stop shop, but my friends and I, you know, I’m approaching 50 and all we talk about is the hair loss, the weight gain, our growing up, our moms, said Jane Fonda.
Betty Wang 00:14:36 We did cardio, cardio, cardio, and then some more cardio. And now everybody’s saying, now you have to do heavy weight lifting and, you know, walking. So what have you seen? I mean, I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but I’m sure there’s some general things that you could tell us or that could help us. I mean, yes, it’d be lovely to lose weight, but I think a lot of us are like, we just don’t want to keep gaining weight.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:14:59 Yeah, 100%, you know? Yes. The older we get, our metabolism is slowing down. Our bodies are going to change. The one positive about getting older. And maybe it’s the only one.
Betty Wang 00:15:10 We’re wiser. Right? I know.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:15:12 Wiser is it. Our appetites do change. And so we actually don’t like necessarily eat as much as we used to, which I find myself like. And I’m an eater. I love to eat food and I find myself just not. I’m like, wow, I just don’t eat as much as I used to.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:15:29 And because our appetite is like, you know, it just slowly, slowly it That goes. It just shrinks smaller and smaller. It doesn’t mean we’re not going to, like, starve ourselves, but it just means that, like, our ability to, like, constantly take in food, you know, and that hunger all the time, it might be helpful.
Betty Wang 00:15:46 Yeah, I’m waiting for that to happen to me.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:15:48 Okay. Maybe it’ll happen.
Betty Wang 00:15:50 Maybe it will. Not there yet, but hopefully that’ll come soon. So, cardio?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:15:55 Yes. While we grew up in a generation of, like, do cardio every day and be like, skinny fat, that’s basically what it was.
Betty Wang 00:16:02 Yeah. Only carbs. No fat.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:16:05 Yeah, those days are gone. But cardio is essential. I mean, it’s obviously cardiovascular for your heart. It’s so essential for fighting heart disease, which is, as we know, like the number one reason people die in the US is heart disease. So it’s important for that.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:16:24 And it’s also all these new studies are coming out about the cognitive function of what cardio does for your brain. So, look, I’m not a doctor, but, like, I think we can all tell that, like, after you do a really great cardio session, your brain feels clear. You feel energized. You feel it’s almost like, okay, I could sit down and I just have ideas coming, right? So that brain function, I think is really important. However, we should not be doing cardio like five, six, seven days a week because yes, our muscles will start to break down and we’ll lose that. So I think for, you know, 45 and older women, it’s like pick two, maybe three days that you want to do cardio and then your other days focus on some sort of strength training or muscular endurance building activity. So that can be yes, it can be like a strength training class. It doesn’t have to be heavyweights. Like you don’t have to be lifting heavy weights.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:17:23 You can find Legree, which is like Pilates, like a elevated sort of Pilates is muscular endurance. You’re going to like, tone and build and strengthen. Pilates is great for that as well. Some Pilates is like classical Pilates, which isn’t so much strength building, but if you find the ones that are, those are great. Even toning classes like bar classes that are kind of hit style, that incorporate weights if you’re walking. So a bunch of my friends started doing the rucking, you know, with the vest on, and I just bought one.
Betty Wang 00:17:57 I didn’t, I don’t know.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:17:59 Yeah. On your Amazon Prime deal. Me too.
Betty Wang 00:18:02 Yeah, yeah. The prime sale. Yes.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:18:05 I’m waiting for my vest to come.
Betty Wang 00:18:07 Oh, well, yeah. I didn’t know what size to get or like, which weight to get, so I just did the eight because I don’t I don’t know.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:18:14 You did. Girl, I got the £30 one.
Betty Wang 00:18:16 Oh you’re like hardcore rookie. Oh my god.
Betty Wang 00:18:21 Oh my gosh. Well we’ll see how it goes. I figured I’d start small.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:18:27 I think I can. It goes up to £30, so I don’t have to always have £30 on it. So I can, like I can change out.
Betty Wang 00:18:34 Oh, see? Yeah. I don’t know how it works. I think mine is just but.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:18:37 I was like, yeah. I was like, let’s do this. I have no idea what’s gonna happen. But I do love that. I think that walking with a weighted vest is wonderful for for building strength. And it’s also, you know, low impact on your joints if you’re walking. Maybe we start in a cycling class with weighted vests on. What do we think?
Betty Wang 00:18:56 I don’t know, I mean, for a while you had the Bala bands and then now we have the arm. Yeah. Which is great because otherwise I wouldn’t do any arms. So I think that’s been good. I’m up for just trying anything where I feel like I wouldn’t hurt myself.
Betty Wang 00:19:13 Yeah, with that and I’m pretty, so I’m like that. I think that would be okay. Maybe not a 30 pounder, but yeah, not not the 30 pounder, but yes.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:19:22 And then I think that the other thing is like in addition to like movement is, you know, any sort of relaxation meditation breathwork that you can do is just really helpful. So whether it’s like doing a meditation, your own meditation or doing some sort of group meditation, a sound bath, like anything that just helps your mind sort of relax, I think is great for our, you know, cognitive development the older we get to. Because really, let’s be honest, we gotta hold on to our muscle mass and we gotta hold on to our brain cells and memory as much as possible.
Betty Wang 00:20:03 Yeah, yeah, those are all I’m not as I don’t remember things for sure as much as I used.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:20:09 To, you know, mushrooms. You got to take mushrooms. All sorts of mushrooms.
Betty Wang 00:20:13 Wait, that’s supposed to help or not?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:20:15 Yeah, a lot of, like, interesting.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:20:16 Like lion’s mane. Cordyceps. reishi. There’s all these different mushrooms that really help with, like, you know, your your memory. Cognitive regeneration.
Betty Wang 00:20:28 So I thought you were talking about a different type of mushroom. But.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:20:32 I mean, that’s a different kind of therapy. It can be used for therapy, but I’m just talking about, like, regular, you know. I see, I see.
Betty Wang 00:20:40 So I have wondered this when we are doing hill climbs and we’re doing and you you say it’s strength training. Can that take the place of actual strength training. Could I consider that like strength training in a way or, or is that still cardio or. It’s a mix of both.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:20:57 It’s a little bit of a mix of both. I think that’s by design. Why we have hills in in class, so that you can use that resistance and you can build muscles. But because we are cardiovascular, you know, moving at the same time, it’s not like pure strength training, if that makes sense.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:21:18 So while we are building our muscles, we’re also simultaneously using them, like breaking them down for for cardio, if that makes sense. So it’s, it’s a little bit of a give and a take. And that’s when you know, like if you ever go to a class and there’s like no hills in your class, you’re going to be like, wow, I, I didn’t I wasn’t able to do any sort of muscular endurance or building through this cardio workout. So no, I’m sorry to tell you, that’s not your replacement for strength training.
Betty Wang 00:21:47 Okay. Just asking for a friend. Hi, listeners. Hope you are laughing and learning from this episode of Betty Smart Friends. Here’s a quick tip. Maintain an emergency fund. No matter how much you earn, having a financial cushion or an oh shit fund is key. Try to save 6 to 8 months worth of living expenses in a liquid, easily accessible account for the times that life unexpectedly punches you in the face. Thanks for being a listener.
Betty Wang 00:22:21 Now back to the show. I did have a couple of questions that I was curious about too, from a class perspective, because you have to stay on beat. You have to keep you have to know what’s going on. But sometimes there’s somebody in the front row that’s very off and me in the back. I get thrown off. But I think about the instructors watching this person right in front of you. How do you get through that? Or I mean, how do you stay on beat?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:22:48 Sometimes I just ask.
Betty Wang 00:22:49 Because I never see you really way off. But then if I start watching this person, then I start getting way off, and that’s. That’s not good.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:22:59 I sometimes I just have to close my eyes and not even look at that. I’m like, because it’s like you’re so aware of it, but you’re like, I just I cannot focus on that. And as long as the music is there and I know that I can listen to the music, I can get right in it and just, like, not be distracted.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:23:15 It probably comes from like, my training as an actor for so many years. Like, I’ll never forget, like doing theater in these, like, little black box theaters in college and in LA. And we were in this tiny little theater, and in the front row there was like a mom there with her kid, and she the kid just walks over and, like, lifts up mom’s shirt and, like, starts like breastfeeding, like. And we’re like, in our show. And I was on stage and I just remember going, mind you, I was like in my 20s. So like, I was also like, why is this like eight year old kid doing this? It turns out he was like three. But in my mind he was eight.
Betty Wang 00:23:52 Yeah, yeah, he looked real old. Yeah, he had a beard.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:23:57 And like, she’s just like great. And like front row. I’m like, great. The show must go on. We cannot be distracted by the things that other people are doing in the show.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:24:07 Must go on. It’s always my philosophy.
Betty Wang 00:24:09 Well, I think you can tell, right? Nothing really throws you in class, and you have a good command of the room, if that makes sense. Like people, I mean, you are front and center, but you’re a good leader that way.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:24:21 Thank you. Many years of practice.
Betty Wang 00:24:24 Yeah. What are your pet peeves that people do when they come to your class? I know that I roll in late and I know that I leave early, so that’s got to be annoying, so I’ll call myself out on that. But are there other things that are just bothersome or funny?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:24:38 I think that my biggest pet peeve is when people come to a group fitness class and then don’t listen to the instructor and do their own thing. First of all, it’s just like it’s disrespectful to the instructor, but it’s also very distracting to the entire class. But I also don’t understand that mentality because I’m like, if you wanted to do your own workout, then just go do your own workout.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:24:59 Like don’t come to a group fitness class where the fitness instructor is trained in this modality. They’ve spent probably a lot of time putting together their music and their programming, and it’s probably designed that way for a reason. So when somebody comes in and they just do their blatantly do their own thing. That’s probably one of my biggest pet peeves. The other thing is like using like your phone during class. Like people will just straight up stop what they’re doing in like text or whatever. I’m like, literally, it’s 45 minutes of your life. You can’t, like, step away from your phone for 45 minutes or whatever. You and Apple Watches, when people are getting their texts on their Apple Watches and they’re kind of like this. Of course, there are exceptions to like, everything. Like, yes, I know we’re all dealing with a lot outside. Like maybe you have a sick child and like, they went to school that morning. You’re not sure if their school is going to call you, and you need to leave in the middle of class to go get them.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:25:52 Like, but in those cases, I just really advise that you tell the instructor ahead of time what’s going on. Like it’s like, hey, I may have to leave early. This is like, what’s happening? And the instructor then knows, like, thank God, because when somebody walks out of your class and you don’t know why, you think that number one, that they’re hurt, they’re not feeling well, you’ve offended them. They hate your workout. Like all the things go through your head.
Betty Wang 00:26:18 The spinning. Interesting.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:26:20 Yeah. And and you’re you’re actually genuinely concerned for that person. So when we know ahead of time it’s really helpful. And then as far as, like doing your own thing in class, if you do need to make modifications because you have an injury, that’s another thing that you should tell the instructor before a class is be like, I am dealing with a knee thing. So if I don’t do some of this, this is why. Great. Thank you. Thank you so much for telling me.
Betty Wang 00:26:44 Oh that’s nice. Now, I.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:26:45 Don’t have to, like, worry about, you know, anything. So all of that information is really helpful, so.
Betty Wang 00:26:51 Well, that’s good to know.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:26:52 Yeah. Don’t do your own thing. And don’t be on your phone during class.
Betty Wang 00:26:56 Well, I would never think to tell somebody just because I would feel like, why would the instructor care? They’re going to do what they’re going to do. But it’s good to know that that’s something that you would notice and worry about.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:27:09 Yeah. I look at everybody and I look at everybody’s form And I worry. I do worry about everybody.
Betty Wang 00:27:16 That’s why I hide behind people. Yeah.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:27:19 You’re fine.
Betty Wang 00:27:21 Well, yeah. After three years, I think. I think I’ve got some of it now, but I’ve moved up to row three now rather than, you know, the far back.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:27:29 We’re very proud of you.
Betty Wang 00:27:30 Yes. Thank you. Back seat. Betty is no longer now. I’m third row, middle row, middle row.
Betty Wang 00:27:37 What do you do for your own personal fitness? Do you just. Do you still enjoy working out for yourself or now that it’s part of your job, are you like, I just want to sit on the couch.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:27:47 It ebbs and flows for sure. I love taking. I’m really obsessed with climbing right now, the versus climbing classes, so I really enjoy those. And I’m a 100% obsessed with luxury at this point in my life, so that’s kind of taking over cycling. I’ve just been doing it for so long, so I feel like at this point in the game, I still really love it. I enjoy it, but it’s it’s good for my cardio, but that’s pretty much like all we’re we’re, you know, doing it for whereas like, Legree is just challenging my body in ways and that I’ve never I was like, there’s no way I can even hold this move any longer. And then your whole body is, like, shaking and you’re, like, questioning your entire existence for like, literally 15 seconds.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:28:31 And then you’re like, wow, I did it. So there’s a real mental aspect to that as well as like building. So I love going to group fitness classes. I don’t like working out by myself. I’m just I get distracted, I want an instructor, I want the energy of people. And that’s another thing. If you are just like getting back into fitness after being gone a while, group fitness settings are just so wonderful because everybody’s there for a reason. It’s community. It’s to work out together. You’re going to feed off of everybody, and I’m a big fan of that. And I also love having an instructor like yell it!
Betty Wang 00:29:07 Yeah, I like having someone tell me, make the Make the decisions of what I’m supposed to do when I’m supposed to do it. Because, you know, as a mom, as an entrepreneur, as a wife, as, you know, human, we’re making so many decisions. I just want someone to tell me what to do, how to do it, how long to do it and be done with it.
Betty Wang 00:29:24 Exactly. Yeah. It’s lovely. Okay. Tell me about Kinsey. Why did you start that? What exactly? I know it’s it’s supplements. It’s CBD based, but what was the impetus to starting that?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:29:36 Yeah, so I started kidneys right after Kitty was born because I wanted something like good, like for my body. That was. And I needed something for energy, for focus to just, like, be able to do all the things. But I didn’t want to be, like, pounding caffeine all day. I didn’t want to. I don’t drink energy drinks. It’s this stuff is like horrible for you. And so I was kind of like playing with different all natural supplements and seeing like, okay, what’s out there that like, works? And we came across like CB, CBD and CBD hemp based products that don’t get you high. And what can those do for your body? And I started taking them and I just I immediately felt a difference, like in my brain, in focus and clarity, but also in my energy and not sort of that like crashing feeling.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:30:29 So it really came from a place of wanting to put like all natural, really good things into my body so that I could keep going. And that’s where it all started. And then we continue to like Add and sort of evolve our products. But it’s really about we have like a couple different things, but it’s really about energy for like during the day and then sleep products for night. And none of it is like doesn’t have THC in it. It doesn’t have, you know, like psilocybin, like hallucinogenics because we do have hemp based products. And then we also have mushroom based products. So there nothing’s going to like, you know, get you high. Unfortunately not yet anyways.
Betty Wang 00:31:10 So when do you take what? Or do you take something every time you exercise? Or would you recommend that for somebody? I mean I just yeah. So we have two.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:31:19 Different energy gummies. We have the hemp based one grind and then we have move, which is our mushroom base. I will take if I’m like working out pretty hardcore.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:31:29 I’ll take two grinds like some people are like, oh no, I just most people start out with just one, but I’ve been doing it for so long, I’ll take two grinds in the morning and then I’ll be ready to work out. And I feel great all day. If I have like kind of more of a lighter workout day and I just have to get a lot of work done, maybe on my computer or just like, do a bunch of mom stuff, I’ll take a move. And I just feel like my energy is just like at a steady, high level. And I’m like really focused. I’m like, okay, gotta do this, I gotta execute. It just really helps me execute. And then at night, I’ll take my dream gummy. So just to help sleep.
Betty Wang 00:32:07 Is it kind of like a cup of coffee for you? Like, I’m just curious.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:32:11 I guess it would be kind of like a cup of coffee.
Betty Wang 00:32:13 Or do you do coffee too, or not really.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:32:15 I don’t drink coffee. I drink tea like I’ll drink matcha. Or I drink mud water, which is also like a mushroom based tea or chai tea based drink. So I just avoid coffee. It’s, you know, some people it’s totally fine for. It’s just pretty acidic. And my body just wasn’t reacting that well to it, so I ditched it years ago. And yes, this is a coffee replacement. However, I’ll still wake up in the morning, make a matcha, and then I’ll grab either a move or grind gummy. Sometimes two, just depending. And then I’ll go about my day and it usually. And the nice thing is, is that like there’s no crash because there’s no caffeine in it and caffeine will just give you that crash. So this is like really steady and also like really good for you. Put good stuff in your body people.
Betty Wang 00:33:02 Do you stay away from sugar too? Or do you? Is it mostly just caffeine that you find doesn’t make you feel great?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:33:08 And sugar? Yeah.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:33:09 The sugar and caffeine together. Terrible. I try to stay away from sugar. I’m not a big sugar fan. I would say the only time I, I really like I never eat dessert or anything unless, I don’t know, it’s a special occasion or something, I will. It’s not like I’m no, but typically not something I have. But the only time I’ll really have like, anything like sugary is if I have like alcoholic beverage or something and like wine or whatever it is, which is, you know, just sugar. I’ll be like, okay, that’s fine, but I try not to indulge in it too much.
Betty Wang 00:33:39 And as a working mom, an entrepreneur, like, how do you keep yourself centered in saying. I mean, we always put our kids first and our jobs. And you also now have your mom and your family all around. What do you do that’s just for you? I mean, I know you, you work out, but that’s also twofold to it’s your job.
Betty Wang 00:33:58 And do you have something that you do that keeps you centered.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:34:02 Yeah, I, I do think working out is a huge part of it. I really love to. This is so silly. I love to meal prep.
Betty Wang 00:34:11 Interesting.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:34:12 I’ll take like hours on a Sunday or a Monday and I will just, like get all the food and I will make like, all the healthy things and cut all the vegetables. And I’ll even listen to a podcast when I’m doing it or something, and I’ll take hours and I’ll just put everything together, and then that’s like my food for the next, like three or 4 or 5 days for me, my family, for Katie, for anybody that wants snacks, like I know that, like they can go in and grab a tub of already cut cucumbers or radishes or whatever. And there’s like, you know, this is there. And then we could easily put together a salad in two seconds because everything’s already prepped. So I absolutely love meal prepping. I know, it’s so weird.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:34:51 I love do you like to meal prep? I don’t know.
Betty Wang 00:34:54 If I like it, I just like to. I don’t like to cook, so I do it on Sundays so that I don’t. Otherwise I would eat from cans like I just. I’m so lazy. My son has allergies, so I cook a lot for for him. But when it comes to what I eat, like I just don’t want to cook. So I do what you do and I cut everything on the weekends just because I don’t want to have to think about it. But I am always curious what other people do for meal prep, because I’m always looking for ideas again, like it’s this grown up thing where where I’m like, we have to we have to plan what everyone eats all the time.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:35:33 I know it’s so annoying. So I’ll tell you what I do because we we don’t eat a ton of meat here. I don’t eat a lot of meat. I started introducing meat back into my diet in the last like year or so.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:35:43 Because again, body, our bodies change. We need to adapt. We need to like, you know, figure I needed more protein. So I started introducing like, small amounts of red meat. That’s the only meat.
Betty Wang 00:35:54 How did you figure that out? I mean, I guess you might. You’re probably much more in tune with your body than the rest of us. But how did you know that? You’re like, oh, you were tired. And so it must be neat.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:36:04 Well, tired. Yeah. Tired. And then blood work will tell you. Also, if you’re, you know, get your panels done, that will kind of help you figure out like what you need more of. So I definitely recommend that everybody do that every year because it’s going to change like every year. And you’re going to see, you know, certain things ebb and flow in your body and you’re like, okay, I need more of this. And I just noticed a big deficit since I was pretty much just eating vegetables, tofu and fish.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:36:31 And I was like, oh, I definitely need like a lot more protein. I feel it in my body. So I started introducing like some red meat, like all natural grass fed red meat to try to avoid antibiotics, you know, in that. So my meal prepping, what I typically like to do is I like to take all the vegetables, wash, cut, like that’s one thing. And then I’ll take what’s my like grain or starch going to be. Usually it’s just a big thing of quinoa and I’ll make a big pot of quinoa. It can stay in the fridge all week. And then I’ll just add because quinoa is really high in protein, which is great, and it’s actually a seed. So it’s gluten free. It’s like, you know, that can be my like quote unquote starch. And I can add it to a salad. I can just eat it plain, I can do whatever I want to it, and then I’ll take whatever I want from a can, and I’ll rinse that and then put it in jars.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:37:24 So beans, sometimes lentils, my lentils don’t come from a can. And then I will always cut up tofu, have tofu like ready to go cut up. And what else do we do. Yeah. And that’s pretty much. Oh and I’ll make like a big thing of tuna fish like from the canned tuna. And I just make it with like lemon, olive oil, some capers and I don’t know whatever else. Mustard something like really easy. And I’ll make a big thing of that. And like, that’s an easy, fun snack too.
Betty Wang 00:37:53 That’s a good idea. Yeah. I’m good. I mean, I always think about that, but I always feel like you need to add the mayo, and I. I can’t do mayo anymore. I’m gonna do that.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:38:01 But it’s super lame that, like, I enjoy doing that, but I really do enjoy.
Betty Wang 00:38:05 Well, I think I feels like doing that. It feels like they that you are or you’re prepared for the week. I feel like I’m going into my week with armor, right? Like, I’m not going to be.
Betty Wang 00:38:16 Because that’s when when I’m hungry, I’ll eat, you know, my kids snacks, right? Yeah. Oh, that’s a good idea.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:38:24 But that’s not the only thing I enjoyed.
Betty Wang 00:38:27 I know, tell me what you do with your tofu. Sorry, I go. I mean, I just cut it up in chunks and put it in my salad, but I’ve never really done much else with it.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:38:37 I do that all the time. Sometimes I’ll, like, marinate it and then stick it in the air fryer and it’s like crispy tofu, which is great. That’s a, you know, a little bit more prep. But yeah, for the most part. Or maybe I’ll make like a stir fry and saute it or something or bake vacant in the oven, but for the most part it’s just cut up and thrown in my salad as is and, you know, boring. But my whole family will eat tofu, so it’s fine for me.
Betty Wang 00:39:00 Wow. That’s nice.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:39:02 Yeah, Kitty loves it.
Betty Wang 00:39:03 Oh, that’s really nice. Yeah, I digressed, I know I would. Is there anything else that you want people to know that like you? I guess this is mostly for women like us. I mean, more so for those of us closer to 50 and plus. But is there anything else that you think we should be thinking about or knowing about with our health or fitness or supplements?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:39:28 Yeah, I think that you should really take a look at what you’re putting in your body. You know, we only have like one body. So if you’re like, oh, I always take this vitamin, like, look at that vitamin, look at what’s in it. Or I always do this one thing every day. And if it’s great and if it works, then, then good. But like, there’s so many amazing products out there that come from like, the Earth and, you know, check in on yourself, like, am I getting enough greens? Oh, I’m not getting enough greens.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:39:57 So like, I’m gonna grab like some sort of green supplement and make sure I drink that every day. I think that we can get really busy and like to your point is that you, you cook for your, your son and you spend all of your time and energy taking care of other people in your life, that sometimes we forget about ourself. And if you are feeling tired or dehydrated and all those things, it’s like you really do have to take care of yourself as well as the other people. And that’s what’s always so hard about being. I feel like a mom is that your primary focus is always your family, and then you become secondary. But if we put ourselves first, then the time and energy we put into our family is going to be even better. Even if we’re quote unquote putting them second, it’s going to be better than it was before, because mentally you are feeling great about yourself, so you can take care of other people.
Betty Wang 00:40:47 Yes. That’s so true. I feel like that’s echoed by so many, so many women.
Betty Wang 00:40:53 Well, no, I think that’s all super helpful information. And, you know, I asked this of other podcast guests, but I work a lot with women who are going into retirement or planning to go into retirement, and some of them are leaving big careers or moving on to something new. But it’s studies show that in retirement, having a passion, having hobbies really helps with your overall contentment in retirement. And I mean, I work out, but I’m in the market to learn about more hobbies from other people and see what other people are interested in, so that maybe some of these women can look at that and say, oh, maybe that sounds fun, I’ll try that.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:41:35 So one of my hobbies is I really love to write. Oh, so yeah, so writing is and it ebbs and flows and sometimes it’s like I’m in it. And then sometimes I’m like, oh my God, I’ve gotten away from from my writing. And sometimes it’s like journaling, like for my own personal. But I come from a world of wanting to write stories and create stories and characters.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:42:00 And so I will always have, like in my phone, like tons of different, like characters and like worlds and things like that. So really using my sort of imagination, I’m also a big reader, so I like to read a lot of books and then also create worlds. So I it also keeps your brain fresh too. So that’s kind of something I like to do on the side.
Betty Wang 00:42:20 I love that I didn’t know that about you. And I’m like, I think it’d be weird to see your phone and have all these different characters be like, oh, where is she going? Do you think you might write a book someday, or is it just right now it’s just for fun? Or is there something like maybe someday when you have more time or you feel the need, or you want to write a like a full blown story or book, is that something in your mind, or is it mostly you’re fine with what you’re doing right now and you like that?
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:42:50 No, I mean, we’re I’m definitely working on a book right now, so I’m.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:42:53 Yeah, we’re writing that. But. So when I was in LA, we wrote screenplays, I wrote a ton of screenplays in LA, and I wrote a few plays and, you know, performed them live in front of several audiences. So writing for me is a is a really nice creative outlet and just the art of like, creating. I always want to create, I always want to play. And so since I don’t have like an outlet, like I don’t have like an acting class that I could pop into here in Denver. But writing is a source of of creating characters and creating worlds. And that’s really yeah, that’s really fun.
Betty Wang 00:43:29 So I can’t wait to read that. I’m a huge reader. I’m really excited, and thank you for sharing that. Of course. Well, where can people find you in the real world? LinkedIn. Do you do LinkedIn? Nah. Yeah, Yeah. Instagram. You do? Yeah.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:43:45 I mean, I have a profile. It’s updated, which is amazing.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:43:50 I just. I don’t really like LinkedIn, to be honest.
Betty Wang 00:43:54 Yeah. It’s not my favorite. I mean, I’m not great in any social media, but. So if people wanted to find you, they should go to Instagram or.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:44:04 Instagram’s my favorite. I I’m I have Facebook, my Facebook and Instagram are connected. But you know I, I’m on Instagram most often and that’s where kind of my audience is. So Instagram Facebook is there. I don’t usually get into Facebook Messenger too much. LinkedIn. I feel like anxiety to check it. So like if somebody messages me on LinkedIn, I have like this, like anxiety that like I better reply to this or they’re going to think I’m not a professional human.
Betty Wang 00:44:33 Yeah, it does seem like the adult version of social media. It’s not so much play. It’s not play.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:44:38 Yeah, so that’s just peer pressure with LinkedIn. But I love Instagram because I like the visual. I like seeing videos, images, funny things. I like to check in on the people that I know and see, like you know where their journeys are.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:44:53 So you can definitely find me on Instagram.
Betty Wang 00:44:55 Okay. And then for classes we can find you at Cycle Bar and Liquor Method twist twist.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:45:01 It’s called twist. And right now we’re over by Stanley Marketplace. But the second location is opening on university probably by due probably like January. So hopefully I’ll be there. Yeah. Great.
Betty Wang 00:45:15 Well, that’s that’s one where I’m hoping to start putting episodes out, so maybe we can. Perfect. Yeah, I’m. Marketing’s not my thing, but. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to do this. This is really fun for me. So thank you. I appreciate it.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:45:30 Of course. Well, thank you for having me. And I look forward to seeing, you know, all of these podcasts and learning from these other amazing women about all the things we need as we get older.
Betty Wang 00:45:40 I know they adulting. All right. Till next time. Okay.
Karen “Kmax” Maxwell 00:45:44 Thanks, buddy. Bye.
Betty Wang 00:45:47 Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Betty Smart Friends.
Betty Wang 00:45:51 I hope you enjoyed today’s conversation and that you learned something new. You can connect with us on social media to stay updated on future episodes. Share your thoughts and join our community of smart friends. You can find us on Instagram at Betty Financial, and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode! If you are feeling ready to be more empowered and less alone in your financial life, please schedule a complimentary 15 minutes with me. The link is in the show notes. Please see the show notes for important disclosures regarding BW financial planning and this episode. Until next time, remember you are not alone. We got you.
Betty Wang is an investment adviser representative of BW Financial LLC, a registered investment adviser registered in the State of Colorado. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The views and opinions expressed are as of the date of publication and are subject to change. The content is for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as individualized investment advice. This information should not be relied upon as the sole factor in an investment-making decision. You are encouraged to consult with a financial professional to address your specific needs and circumstances.