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Markets and Uncertain Times

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First, I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe and well. With the terrible state of affairs in the Ukraine, it’s personally been a reminder of how blessed I am to do what I love with people I truly care about and to have the freedom to do so! War is unpredictable. […]

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Are you planning for the financial security of FUTURE YOU? We, as women, have longer life expectancies. It may seem unthinkable, but odds are 1 in 3 women in the U.S. will live to age 95. The best time for women to start financial planning and investing for their future selves is now. Like most […]

Do you ever wonder if you need a financial advisor? “Financial advisor” is a generic term and can be confusing. When I use the term financial advisor, I’m referring to professionals who do comprehensive financial planning and investing. I’m not talking about someone hawking the latest investment or insurance products. In my blog next month, […]

Here’s what I’ve been reading this week: If You Want More Money, You Should Root for 2023 to Be Just Like 2022 This statement sounds ridiculous. Another painful year in the markets? No thank you! But for those of us who are “Savers” or “Preservers” as defined by this article, the statement is very true. […]

Happy New Year! Every new year there is pressure to have grand plans of a whole new YOU! We are bombarded with ads: “If you lose 10 pounds, you will be happy!” “If you invest your money with us, you will be secure!” Sometimes we make resolutions without really thinking about them. However, research shows […]

As close friends and neighbors have children heading into their senior year of high school, I can’t help but think about the fact that I will have a senior 2 years from now? It’s an exciting and emotional time for parents and students. During this swell of emotions, there are important practical considerations for senior year. […]

Scary words like recession, bear market, rising interests rates are all over the news lately. These words can cause panic and fear and overwhelm. My clients and I spend a lot of time talking about the “sleep-at-night” factor when it comes to their investments. I share my thoughts with Veronica Dagher and the Wall Street Journal in […]